set PATH=C:\TreeTagger\bin;%PATH% cd c:\TreeTagger
<SENTENCE> <W TAG="PPS">He</W> <W TAG="VBZ">books</W> <W TAG="NNS">tickets</W> </SENTENCE>Respecto el analizador sintáctico del tTag cabe mencionar que utiliza la información del documento y emplea gramáticas sensibles al contexto para detectar los límites de los grupos sintácticos. El analizador deja toda la información añadida previamente en el texto y crea elementos estructurales que incluyen palabras del fragmento:
<NG>Este hombre</NG> <VG>canta</VG>
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing.
Basándome en que los tres textos tienen la capacidad de etiquetar textos en diferentes idiomas, he buscado el mismo texto en la versión en castellano para analizarlo. El texto utilizado es el siguienteCuando yo tenía seis años vi en un libro sobre la selva virgen que se titulaba "Historias vividas", una magnífica lámina. Representaba una serpiente boa que se tragaba a una fiera.
POS Tag | Description | Example | |
CC | coordinating conjunction | and, but, or, \ | |
CD | cardinal number | 1, three | |
DT | determiner | the | |
EX | existential there | there is | |
FW | foreign word | d'œuvre | |
IN | preposition/subord. conj. | in,of,like,after,whether | |
IN/that | complementizer | that | |
JJ | adjective | green | |
JJR | adjective, comparative | greener | |
JJS | adjective, superlative | greenest | |
LS | list marker | (1), | |
MD | modal | could, will | |
NN | noun, singular or mass | table | |
NNS | noun plural | tables | |
NP | proper noun, singular | John | |
NPS | proper noun, plural | Vikings | |
PDT | predeterminer | both the boys | |
POS | possessive ending | friend's | |
PP | personal pronoun | I, he, it | |
PP\$ | possessive pronoun | my, his | |
RB | adverb | however, usually, here, not | |
RBR | adverb, comparative | better | |
RBS | adverb, superlative | best | |
RP | particle | give up | |
SENT | end punctuation | ?, !, . | |
SYM | symbol | @, +, *, \textasciicircum, |, = | |
TO | to | to go, to him | |
UH | interjection | uhhuhhuhh | |
VB | verb be, base form | be | |
VBD | verb be, past | was|were | |
VBG | verb be, gerund/participle | being | |
VBN | verb be, past participle | been | |
VBZ | verb be, pres, 3rd p. sing | is | |
VBP | verb be, pres non-3rd p. | am|are | |
VD | verb do, base form | do | |
VDD | verb do, past | did | |
VDG | verb do gerund/participle | doing | |
VDN | verb do, past participle | done | |
VDZ | verb do, pres, 3rd per.sing | does | |
VDP | verb do, pres, non-3rd per. | do | |
VH | verb have, base form | have | |
VHD | verb have, past | had | |
VHG | verb have, gerund/participle | having | |
VHN | verb have, past participle | had | |
VHZ | verb have, pres 3rd per.sing | has | |
VHP | verb have, pres non-3rd per. | have | |
VV | verb, base form | take | |
VVD | verb, past tense | took | |
VVG | verb, gerund/participle | taking | |
VVN | verb, past participle | taken | |
VVP | verb, present, non-3rd p. | take | |
VVZ | verb, present 3d p. sing. | takes | |
WDT | wh-determiner | which | |
WP | wh-pronoun | who, what | |
WP\$ | possessive wh-pronoun | whose | |
WRB | wh-abverb | where, when | |
: | general joiner | ;, -, -- | |
\$ | currency symbol | \$, £ |
Cuadro.1 Etiquetas utiliza TreeTagger en ingles
EjemploEtiquetaTreecast Tag | Description |
ABR | abreviation |
ADJ | adjective |
ADV | adverb |
DET:ART | article |
DET:POS | possessive pronoun (ma, ta, …) |
INT | interjection |
KON | conjunction |
NAM | proper name |
NOM | noun |
NUM | numeral |
PRO | pronoun |
PRO:DEM | demonstrative pronoun |
PRO:IND | indefinite pronoun |
PRO:PER | personal pronoun |
PRO:POS | possessive pronoun (mien, tien, …) |
PRO:REL | relative pronoun |
PRP | preposition |
PRP:det | preposition plus article (au,du,aux,des) |
PUN | punctuation |
PUN:cit | punctuation citation |
SENT | sentence tag |
SYM | symbol |
VER:cond | verb conditional |
VER:futu | verb futur |
VER:impe | verb imperative |
VER:impf | verb imperfect |
VER:infi | verb infinitive |
VER:pper | verb past participle |
VER:ppre | verb present participle |
VER:pres | verb present |
VER:simp | verb simple past |
VER:subi | verb subjunctive imperfect |
VER:subp | verb subjunctive present |
Cuadro.2 Etiquetas utiliza TreeTagger en Castellano
Texto Original | Etiqueta | Raiz |
Once | RB | once |
when | WRB | when |
I | PP | I |
was | VBD | be |
six | CD | six |
years | NNS | year |
old | JJ | old |
I | PP | I |
saw | VVD | see |
a | DT | a |
magnificent | JJ | magnificent |
picture | NN | picture |
in | IN | in |
a | DT | a |
book | NN | book |
, | , | , |
called | VVD | call |
True | NP | True |
Stories | NP | Stories |
from | IN | from |
Nature | NP | Nature |
, | , | , |
about | IN | about |
the | DT | the |
primeval | JJ | primeval |
forest | NN | forest |
. | SENT | . |
It | PP | it |
was | VBD | be |
a | DT | a |
picture | NN | picture |
of | IN | of |
a | DT | a |
boa | NN | boa |
constrictor | NN | constrictor |
in | IN | in |
the | DT | the |
act | NN | act |
of | IN | of |
swallowing | VVG | swallow |
an | DT | an |
animal | NN | animal |
. | SENT | . |
Here | RB | here |
is | VBZ | be |
a | DT | a |
copy | NN | copy |
of | IN | of |
the | DT | the |
drawing | NN | drawing |
. | SENT | . |
Cuadro.3 Etiquetas utiliza TreeTagger en Inglés
Texto Original | Etiqueta | Raiz |
Cuando | CSUBX | cuando |
yo | PPX | yo |
tenía | VLfin | tener |
seis | CARD | seis |
años | NC | año |
vi | CARD | vi |
en | PREP | en |
un | ART | un |
libro | NC | libro |
sobre | PREP | sobre |
la | ART | el |
selva | NC | selva |
virgen | NC | virgen |
que | CQUE | que |
se | SE | se |
titulaba | VLfin | titular |
" | QT | " |
Historias | NP | Historias |
vividas | VLadj | vivir |
" | QT | " |
, | CM | , |
una | ART | un |
magnífica | ADJ | magnífico |
lámina | NC | lámina |
. | FS | . |
Representaba | VLfin | representar |
una | ART | un |
serpiente | NC | serpiente |
boa | NC | boa |
que | CQUE | que |
se | SE | se |
tragaba | VLfin | tragaba |
a | PREP | a |
una | ART | un |
fiera | NC | fiera |
. | FS | . |
Cuadro.4 Etiquetas utiliza TreeTagger en Castellano
java -mx300m -classpath stanford-postagger.jaredu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger -modelmodels/wsj-0-18-bidirectional-distsim.tagger -textFilesample-input.txt >sample-tagged.txt
Una vez se ha ejecutado y para entender mejor su funcionamiento, he utilizado la figura 1 donde se muestran todas las etiquetas que puede generar el programa para un texto en ingles.Once_RB when_WRB I_PRP was_VBD six_CD years_NNS old_JJ I_PRPsaw_VBD a_DT magnificent_JJ picture_NN in_IN a_DT book_NN ,_,called_VBN True_NNP Stories_NNP from_IN Nature_NNP ,_, about_IN the_DT primeval_JJ forest_NN ._. It_PRP was_VBD a_DT picture_NN of_IN a_DT boa_NN constrictor_NN in_IN the_DT act_NN of_IN swallowing_VBG an_DT animal_NN ._. Here_RB is_VBZ a_DT copy_NN of_IN the_DT drawing_NN ._.
Una vez realizado la prueba con el texto en inglés, he ejecutado el mismo test pero con un texto en castellano. Para conocer mejor las etiquetas utilizadas por parte de este software, recomiendo visitar la siguiente url y el resultado obtenido ha sido el siguiente:Cuando_cs yo_pp000000 tenía_vmii000 seis_dn0000 años_nc0p000vi_vmis000 en_sp000 un_di0000 libro_nc0s000 sobre_sp000 la_da0000 selva_nc0s000 virgen_nc0s000 que_cs se_p0000000 titulaba_vmii000 "_fe Historias_np00000 vividas_aq0000 "_fe ,_fcuna_di0000 magnífica_aq0000 lámina_nc0s000 ._fpRepresentaba_vmii000 una_di0000 serpiente_nc0s000 boa_np00000 que_pr000000 se_p0000000 tragaba_vmii000 a_sp000 una_di0000 fiera_nc0s000 ._fp
Once_RB when_WRB ([ I_PRP ]) <: was_VBD>([ six_CD years_NNS ]) old_JJ ([ I_PRP ]) <: saw_VBD>([ a_DT magnificent_JJ picture_NN ]) in_IN ([ a_DT book_NN ]),_, <: called_VBD>([ True_NNP Stories_NNP ]) from_IN ([ Nature_NNP ]),_, about_IN ([ the_DT primeval_JJ forest_NN ])._.([ It_PRP ]) <: was_VBD>([ a_DT picture_NN ]) of_IN ([ a_DT boa_NN constrictor_NN ]) in_IN ([ the_DT act_NN ]) of_IN swallowing_VBG ([ an_DT animal_NN ])._.Here_RB <: is_VBZ>([ a_DT copy_NN ]) of_IN ([ the_DT drawing_NN ])._.Para el texto en castellano, tenemos el siguiente resultado:
([ Cuando_NNP ]) yo_FW tenía_FW seis_FW años_FW vi_FW en_FW un_FW libro_FW sobre_FW la_FW selva_FW virgen_FW que_FW se_FWtitulaba_FW "_'' ([ Historias_NNP vividas_NNS ])"_" ,_,una_FW magnífica_FW lámina_FW ._.([ Representaba_NNP ]) una_FW serpiente_FW ([ boa_NN ]) que_FW se_FW tragaba_FW a_FW una_FW fiera_FW ._.
Number | Tag | Description |
1. | CC | Coordinating conjunction |
2. | CD | Cardinal number |
3. | DT | Determiner |
4. | EX | Existential there |
5. | FW | Foreign word |
6. | IN | Preposition or subordinating conjunction |
7. | JJ | Adjective |
8. | JJR | Adjective, comparative |
9. | JJS | Adjective, superlative |
10. | LS | List item marker |
11. | MD | Modal |
12. | NN | Noun, singular or mass |
13. | NNS | Noun, plural |
14. | NNP | Proper noun, singular |
15. | NNPS | Proper noun, plural |
16. | PDT | Predeterminer |
17. | POS | Possessive ending |
18. | PRP | Personal pronoun |
19. | PRP\$ | Possessive pronoun |
20. | RB | Adverb |
21. | RBR | Adverb, comparative |
22. | RBS | Adverb, superlative |
23. | RP | Particle |
24. | SYM | Symbol |
25. | TO | to |
26. | UH | Interjection |
27. | VB | Verb, base form |
28. | VBD | Verb, past tense |
29. | VBG | Verb, gerund or present participle |
30. | VBN | Verb, past participle |
31. | VBP | Verb, non-3rd person singular present |
32. | VBZ | Verb, 3rd person singular present |
33. | WDT | Wh-determiner |
34. | WP | Wh-pronoun |
35. | WP\$ | Possessive wh-pronoun |
36. | WRB | Wh-adverb |
5 Tabla de etiquetas
Word | TreeTagger | Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger y tTAG |
I | PP | PRP |
It | PP | PRP |
Word | TreeTagger | Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger y tTAG |
saw | VVD | VBD |
called | VVD | VBD |
Word | TreeTagger | Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger y tTAG |
true | NP | NNP |
nature | NP | NNP |
stories | NP | NNP |
yo_FW tenía_FW seis_FW
Si analizamos el resultado expuesto podemos analizar como el etiquetador considera yo, tenía y seis como que poseen la misma funcionalidad léxica FW cuando yo es un pronombre, tenía un verbo y seis un sustantivo. Lo que me hace pensar que tTag en su versión web no esta preparada para textos en otros idiomas y la etiqueta FW será como un etiqueta para indicar que una palabra es desconocida para el modelo.